

About Pack 61

Pack 61 - Lockport, Illinois Chartered by the American Legion

Our current roster is __ Cub Scouts ranging in from Kindergarten to 6th Grade.

Established in 1961 Pack Nights - Pack 61 gathers on the third Wednesday of each month to recognize the achievements of our young men and to have fun as a Pack.

Den Meetings - Dens meet individually on a schedule arranged through their Den Leader and Parents. If you are assigned to a Den and cannot attend their meeting date, please see the Cubmaster or Committee Chair to see if another Den would be a better fit.

Rainbow Council - Waapi Lenaswa district. Located in Morris, Illinois, is the Rainbow Council Scout Reservation. One of the few councils who own their own camp, RSR is a fantastic facility available to all members of the scouting community.

Requirements. There are no requirements for attendance and achievements in Cub Scouting. It is up to the Scout and his parents to decide if Scouting fits in to their family’s schedule. Many of our Scouts are involved in other activities such as sports and music. Make scouting what you want it to be for your family.

Thinking of joining Pack 61? Visit one of our Pack Nights or events and see what Pack 61 has to offer. Please feel free to use the 'Contact Us' link should you need more information regarding Pack 61.